6mm scale
As you know, it is sometimes very difficult to scale 1:72 or 28mm buildings down to 6mm. Details are lost because a lot is lost at this scale. Not everyone can or wants to use a resin printer, which makes it work without question. For FDM printers it's a completely different matter.
I have now decided to convert my series once again completely to the 6mm scale. For this it is necessary to show the details very enlarged, which however comes across as believable after the print for the small scale. As I said, the models are specially designed for FDM printing. I think the result is very nice. This year before christmas I won't be starting any more campaigns, but be sure, i'll start right away in the new year. Let's see if a 6mm series will be as successful as it was with the large scales and if there is such a great demand at all.
I normally not engaged in 6mm scale, so I have no contacts to groups etc. Maybe if anyone of you is there, a refer to this post will be very kind ...