Attention !! This are STL-files, not casted models !!
It is your responsibility to store the file sets carefully after purchase.
Inside this fileset you will find:
- Dead Mans Corner
- L-shaped Farm
- Farm complex
- Saint Mère Église Church
- Bases with trees
- Bocage hedges
- Cafe de Normandie (Based on series Band of Brothers /Game Call of Duty)
- Corner shops
- Coastal Defence and Gun Emplacement
- 1 storey townhouseset, including shops (11 different)
- 2 storey townhouseset, including shops (11 different)
- Benouville (Pegasus Bridge, Cafe Gondree, small house #21, Benouville Mairie, Benouville Church
- La Fiere near Saint Mère Èglise
- Rural buildings: Farmhouse, Shop or Tankstation
- Casino de Ouistreham (based on the fictive buildings from movie "The Longest Day")
- Saint Marie du Mont with very characteristic houses + Chateau
- Landingcrafts LCM, LCVP, LCA
- Pontoonbridge
- German U-Boot
- Horsa Bridge
- Ramelle (fictive village from "Saving Private Ryan")
- Damaged bridge version
- Chateau
- Destroyed buildings
- Towntiles. Ready to print and play ..
- also hexfields with or without buildings and trees
This range is for 6mm, but it is well for also upscaling to 10-12mm. So far you have learned to appreciate my models, which were designed for large scales. Scaling down to 6mm is only possible to a limited extent. Anyone who has a resin printer can easily do this. However, if you use an FDM printer, which most people do, you will come up against a point of impossibility.
But even with resin printing, it has to be said that many of the beautiful details are lost because they are simply no longer visible. these models can also not be painted so nicely because details for dry brushing or highlighting are no longer visible.
Here I am going a new way. Details are shown larger so that they are clearly visible on the small models. This will probably look a bit exaggerated in the render images, but it will look very nice in print. In addition to the render images, I also photographed many models after printing.

Much models are printed on the FDM printer with a layer height of 0.2mm. I've also made some attempts with 0.08mm. Myself I prefer 0.12mm. So anyone with an FDM printer can easily print this models. Of course you can also use a resin printer, then the models will be even finer.
To convert to other scales, use following scalings
10mm: 10mm / 6mm = 1,6666 so 166% for example in Cura
12mm: 12 / 6 = 2 so 200%
3mm: 3 / 6 = 0,5 so 50%
§§ Legal issues
Unfortunately, it is not without a reference to legal. By purchasing the STL file, you have the right to use it to print your building models. You determine the number of required models yourself. The copyright on these models, however, remains with us.
That means in detail
•it is not allowed to give the files to 3rd person by sale or publish the files via social media, networks or webspaces •the printed models may not be sold, nor moulds and casts be made of them. •A modification of the STL files and the transmission of changed file contents is also prohibited.
Achtung !!! es handelt sich hier um STL-Dateien, kein gegossenes Modell !!!
Dieses Set ist speziell für den 6mm Maßstab entworfen.
§§ Rechtliches Leider geht es nicht ohne einen Hinweis auf Rechtliches. Mit dem Kauf der STL-Datei haben Sie das Recht, diese zum Ausdruck Ihrer Gebäudemodelle zu benutzen. Die Anzahl der benötigten Modelle legen Sie selber fest. Das Copyright auf diese Modelle bleibt jedoch bei uns. Das heißt im Einzelnen •die Datei darf auf keinen Fall weitergegeben werden •die ausgedruckten Modelle dürfen weder verkauft, noch Abformungen und Abgüsse davon angefertigt werden. •eine Veränderung der STL-Dateien und die Weitergabe veränderter Dateiinhalte ist ebenfalls untersagt.